Midtown Suites by Guocoland Beside Nicoll Highway
Get New Experience From Midtown Suites with Guocoland Developer. Though little is known about Beach road, it has just received a new majestic look following the development of Midtown Suites by the world brand developer Guocoland. The space occupied by the development is very strategic offering more freedom and control as it has many other amenities located within the vicinity of Midtown Suites. Though the initial amount that was used to acquire the site was huge and attracted the attention of the world, the final result of the development has turned positive and attractive. The massive development is a shared stake between two major parties the Guoco Group and Guocoland in the ratio 30 to 70 percent respectively.
Midtown Suites by Guocoland Close to Esplanade
Visiting the facility gives you a true picture of uniqueness under the sun as the facility presents all that you may need in a modern …